Postfix a kolize openssl/base vs openssl/ports

Jan Dušátko jan at
Wed Jul 8 10:34:22 CEST 2015

popis problemu a postup, ktery mozna nekomu z vas usetri cas.

Dostal jsem se do situace, kdy nesel zkompilovat postfix (v instalacni
fazi postconf hlasil out of memory, pripadne pokud se podarilo nahodou
nejakym zazrakem postfix nainstalovat, neumoznil mi start a zase
postconf hlasil out of memory event. chybejici systemove promenne).

Pricinou uvedeneho problemu byla kolize openssl base vs ports,
indikatorem problemu tato hlaska:
/usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/lib/,
may conflict with
Jedna se o zavlecenou zavislost - krb5 -> libhx509 -> libcrypto (base) a
ten se ocitne v kolizi s libcrypto z portu.

Ve finale se reseni ukazalo jednoduche. Presoze Kerberos nema check ale
radio button, je mozne kerberos vypnout (mezera na radio button) a
nasledne probehne kompilace spravne. Prikladam svoji konfiguraci, ktera
je proti openssl z portu (WITH_OPENSSL_PORT=YES).

[x] BDB        Berkeley DB support                         
[x] CDB        CDB maps lookups                            
[ ] DOCS       Build and/or install documentation         
[ ] INST_BASE  Install into /usr and /etc/postfix          
[ ] LDAP       LDAP maps (uses WITH_OPENLDAP_VER)
[ ] LDAP_SASL  LDAP client-to-server SASL auth             
[ ] LMDB       LMDB maps                                   
[x] MYSQL      MySQL database support                      
[ ] NIS        Network Information Services/YP support     
[x] PCRE       Use Perl Compatible Regular Expressions     
[ ] PGSQL      PostgreSQL database support                 
[x] SASL       SASL authentication support                
[x] SPF        SPF support (via libspf2 1.2.x)             
[ ] SQLITE     SQLite database support                     
[ ] TEST       SMTP/LMTP test server and generator         
[x] TLS        Secure network connection support via TLS   
[x] VDA        VDA (Virtual Delivery Agent)               
====== Dovecot SASL authentication methods ==========
( ) DOVECOT    Dovecot 1.x SASL authentication method      
(*) DOVECOT2   Dovecot 2.x SASL authentication method      
======  Kerberos network authentication protocol type ==
( ) SASLKRB5   If your SASL req. Kerberos5, select this    
( ) SASLKMIT   If your SASL req. MIT Kerberos5, select this


Jan Dušátko

Phone:		+420 602 427 840
e-mail:		jan na
SkypeID:	darmodej

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