Openconnect - jak spoustet?

Dan Lukes dan at
Sun Jun 16 23:02:24 CEST 2013

Milan Cizek wrote:
> Rucne, s parametrem start se vpnka navaze a bezi... Po spusteni systemu se
> ale nic nestane, v message logu není nic. 

> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/openconnect:
> #!/bin/sh
> # PROVIDE: openconnect
> . /etc/rc.subr

To zrejme nestaci. Jak pravi manualova stranka od rcorder:

> Within each file, a block containing a series of ``REQUIRE'',
>      ``PROVIDE'', ``BEFORE'' and ``KEYWORD'' lines must appear.  The format of
>      the lines is rigid.  Each line must begin with a single `#', followed by
>      a single space, followed by ``PROVIDE:'', ``REQUIRE:'', ``BEFORE:'', or
>      ``KEYWORD:''.  No deviation is permitted.

Obavam se, ze bez informace co ten script REQUIRE je automaticky
nespoustitelny, protoze se nevi kdy by se mel spoustet.


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