Upgrade 5.4 Rel. 11 => Rel. 12

Peter Rosa prosa at pro.sk
Fri Jun 9 11:01:45 CEST 2006


> 	Kdyby se ti nahodou podarilo zjistit, cim to bylo, tak sem s tim. 
> Takoveho chovani bych ja velmi rad dosahl trvale a pro vsechny porty.

zial nezistil som nic. Nikdy predtym sa nic podobne nestalo a teraz to 
neviem zopakovat :-(

V Porter's handbook som nasiel nasledovne:

4.6 Handling user input

If your port requires user input to build, configure, or install, you 
must set IS_INTERACTIVE in your Makefile. This will allow ``overnight 
builds'' to skip your port if the user sets the variable BATCH in his 
environment (and if the user sets the variable INTERACTIVE, then only 
those ports requiring interaction are built). This will save a lot of 
wasted time on the set of machines that continually build ports (see below).

It is also recommended that if there are reasonable default answers to 
the questions, you check the PACKAGE_BUILDING variable and turn off the 
interactive script when it is set. This will allow us to build the 
packages for CDROMs and FTP.

Najma ten posledny odsek moze byt pre zaujimavy, ja som nikdy nic take 
neskusal. Ak to funguje, tak ozaj staci len:
rm -rf /var/db/ports
portupgrade -a

Peter Rosa

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