BIND9 a "rndc-confgen -a"

Ivo Hazmuk ivo at
Tue Oct 22 16:20:43 CEST 2002

> Diky moc. Bylo to to prave.
> Jen jeste podotazecku k rc.conf. Da se nejak vnutit systemu prikaz
> <rand_irqs="9 10 11 12 14 15"> bez restartu? To me zajima jen ciste
> teoreticky.

precti si rc.i386.


> Jednou jsem na podobny problem u nejakeho generatoru klice narazil. Uz
> si ovsem nevzpominam, ktery program to byl. Obavam se, ze to byl Bind9.
> Prudil jsem se s tim asi dva dny a pomohlo sahnout na klavesnici nebo do
> /etc/rc.conf dopsat: rand_irqs="9 10 11 12 14 15"
> Toto nastaveni rekne generatoru nahodnych cisel, ze krome klavesnice ma
> brat i dalsi IRQ (9 10 11 12 14 15). Cim min IRQ, tim lepsi nahodna
> cisla.
> 							Ivosh Hazmuk
> Open-Source software isn't a matter of life or death...
> ...It's much more important than that!

Open-Source software isn't a matter of life or death...
...It's much more important than that!

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