named[69750]: client *ip removed*#37095: error sending response: not enough free resources problem

Dan Lukes dan at
Sun Mar 3 12:40:51 CET 2013

rgrenar at wrote:
> 1) in var/log/messages : named[69750]: client *ip removed*#37095: error sending response: not enough free resources
> 2) network cards(intel), cables, switch(cisco) changed without positive result
> 3) system is FreeBSD 9.0, ipfw,gateway,natd,inetd enabled
> 4) DNS is only forwarded
> 5) i found this problem in lots of discussion from bsd ver. 4.0 but with no solutions

Vymena sitovek, kabelu a switche spis nepomuze, pokud je postizene jen
komunikace s DNS a ostatni je bez problemu.

S takto popsanym problemem ti spis nikdo neporadi - ani tady, ani v
anglickem listu.

Schazi informace, jestli je problem deterministicky neo se objevuje
nahodne (pripadne az po nejake dobe), neni napsano jaky DNS dotaz to byl
a jaka odpoved na nej mela jit. Idealne pak zachyceny paket s dotazem a
odpovedi na obou stranach forwarderu.

Nikdo nema kristalovou kouli ...


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