podivne NEchovani apache

Jaroslav Votruba jaroslav.votruba at keytec.cz
Thu Feb 12 14:39:25 CET 2009

updatoval jsem teda vsechny zavisle programy a nic.
V "mesages" jsem nasel ale nasel
Feb 12 14:05:05 backup kernel: pid 76615 (httpd), uid 0: exited on 
signal 11 (core dumped)

co jsem googlil, tak to mela byt nejaka chyba nyni jiz opravena

na jine strance zase pise nejky manik (to same jak p. Chlebec)

You probably update php to 5.2.8. During this upgrade, the order of php
extensions change in the file /usr/local/etc/php/extensions.ini

Simply edit it and change the order of the lines. It's a known problem
with php.


zkusil jsem to poskladat jako pan Chlebec, ale stale nic


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