proc mi nejde SASL SMTP

Martin Bubik martin.bubik at
Wed Jan 28 20:44:45 CET 2009

mam na freebsd 7.1 nainstalovany postfix s dovecotem
pri kompilaci postfixu jsem pouzil tyto volby

│ │[X] PCRE Perl Compatible Regular Expressions │ │
│ │[ ] SASL2 Cyrus SASLv2 (Simple Auth. and Sec. Layer) │ │
│ │[X] DOVECOT Dovecot SASL authentication method │ │
│ │[ ] SASLKRB If your SASL req. Kerberos select this option │ │
│ │[ ] SASLKRB5 If your SASL req. Kerberos5 select this option │ │
│ │[ ] SASLKMIT If your SASL req. MIT Kerberos5 select this option│ │
│ │[X] TLS Enable SSL and TLS support │ │
│ │[ ] BDB Berkeley DB (choose version with WITH_BDB_VER) │ │
│ │[X] MYSQL MySQL maps (choose version with WITH_MYSQL_VER) │ │
│ │[ ] PGSQL PostgreSQL maps (choose with DEFAULT_PGSQL_VER) │ │
│ │[ ] OPENLDAP OpenLDAP maps (choose ver. with WITH_OPENLDAP_VER)│ │
│ │[ ] CDB CDB maps lookups │ │
│ │[ ] NIS NIS maps lookups │ │
│ │[X] VDA VDA (Virtual Delivery Agent) │ │
│ │[ ] TEST SMTP/LMTP test server and generator

Postfix mi v zakladu funguje, emaily prichazeji. IMAP pres dovecot 
funguje taky vcetne TLS, SSL a zabezpecene autentizace.
Nicmene potrebuju zabezpecit SMTP pro odesilani emailu zabezpecenou 
autentizaci (uzivatel + heslo) vcetne TLS
abych nemusel kazdou IP zadavat do mynetworks coz se mi nedari rozchodit. postfixu:
#smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.pem
smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem
smtpd_tls_security_level = may
smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header = yes
smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth

tak jak to je ted to jeste funguje, v okamziku kdy odkomentuju prvni 
radek smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
tak smtp spadne.

# ukazka z mailog
Jan 28 18:26:19 mart postfix/master[31426]: reload configuration 
Jan 28 18:26:25 mart dovecot: Killed with signal 15
Jan 28 18:26:25 mart dovecot: Dovecot v1.1.8 starting up
Jan 28 18:26:25 mart dovecot: auth-worker(default): mysql: Connected to 
localhost (mail)
Jan 28 18:26:50 mart postfix/smtpd[32508]: warning: SASL: Connect to 
private/auth failed: No such file or directory
Jan 28 18:26:50 mart postfix/smtpd[32508]: fatal: no SASL authentication 
Jan 28 18:26:51 mart postfix/master[31426]: warning: process 
/usr/local/libexec/postfix/smtpd pid 32508 exit status 1
Jan 28 18:26:51 mart postfix/master[31426]: warning: 
/usr/local/libexec/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling

tahle chyba je na netu v dizkuzich docela hojna ale nejak jsem nikde 
nevycetl nejake srozumitelne reseni.
private/auth se z nejakeho duvodu nevytvori, viz. - fatal: no SASL 
authentication mechanisms.

certifikaty jsem pouzil stejne jako u dovecotu kde TLS a SSL i 
zabezpecena autentizace pres IMAP funguje, u SMPT to nefunguje.
Myslel jsem ze SASL je obsazen v dovecotu, ale nejsem si jist jestli pro 
postfix neni nutne instalovat i Cyrus SASLv2 nebo nektery
Kerberos viz vyse, muze mi to prosim nekdo ujasnit?

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