Podpora - Intel S5000VSASCSI Sapello / i5000V

Martin Zdrazil zdrazil at atlas.cz
Wed Oct 11 18:12:00 CEST 2006


dej prosim vedet jak jsi dopadl. sam jsem asi pred mesicem premyslel nad
S5000PAL deskou (jsou to totiz desky za barebone Intel serveru).

tady je reakce jiesteho boba bishope se kterym jsem konzultoval tu
desku, mel ji totiz koupenou a zkousel na ni freebsd.
ja nakonec koupil IBM 336 xseries


Further to my question a couple of weeks ago, I've now had a chance
to play with these beasts. Pretty impressive.

Some points to note: 6.1R doesn't grok the onboard SATA controller
(sysinstall hangs), RELENG_6 as of last week is OK although in RAID1
mode I had to do an 'atacontrol create' before sysinstall would
recognise it as a RAID1.

Even in a diskless box, you have to include the passive (SATA)
backplane because that also carries fan power and the interface for
the front control panel. Also that 600W PSU is not a joke, a diskless
unit pulls over 500W.

The optional Remote Management Module works pretty well, basically it
gives a web interface to the IPMI functionality in the BMC. Some
frobbing may  be required if your LAN is not /24 or you want to
access it over an SSH tunnel. I haven't had a chance yet to
investigate the IPMI/serial-over-LAN overlaid on to the main NICs.

Martin Zdrazil

dobrusky at post.cz napsal(a):
> Zdravim vsechny,
> Rad bych se chtel zeptat jestli nekdo nahodou nemate nejake zkusenosti s deskou Intel S5000VSASCSI Sapello / i5000V
> Muj sef by ji rad koupil pro novy server ktery pobezi na FreeBSD 6.1 (pripadne jina verze kdyz to bude podporovat) ale nenasel jsem zadne pozitivni info. Kdyby nekdo neco vedel, tak prosim reknete, nerad bych aby ten server skoncil na Winech.. :-/

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