Problém s NATD

Pavel Obr obr at
Mon Mar 6 08:54:31 CET 2006

Dobry den,
resim problem s natd...Zkousel jsem kde co a hledal na internetu, ale 
opravdu nevim co je spatne...
NAT pozivam nejakou dobu smerem ven bez problemu podle handbooku, ale 
presmerovani "dovnitr" se mi nevede....

K pripojeni na internet pouzivame router naseho providera. Pokud 
potrebuji povolit u nas na serveru nejakou sluzbu na urcitem portu, 
pozadam ho a on mi dany port presmeruje na muj stroj.
Router providera ma IP a moje z internetu dostupne sluzby 
jsou na strojich s IP (zde poskytuji z internetu dostupne 
sluzby + Apache, proxy, NAT). Moje LAN ma IP v rozsahu
Bohuzel musim zacit poskytovat z jednoho stroje z vnitrni LAN 
( jednu sluzbu, kterou je mozne zatim provozovat na 
Windows stroji - jde o sluzbu vazanou na ISS webovsky server microsoftu. 
Windows mam jen na stanicich v LAN
To znamena musim pouzit NAT "obracene" u stroje s 2 sitovkami, který 
poskytuje NAT + squid proxy a odeslat pozadavek na dany windows stroj. 
Jedna sitovka je a druha je clenem
NAT smerem ven mi funguje, ovsem dovnitr (presmerovani na onu windows 
stanici) vubec...
Asi bude problem v ipfw.rules, ale nevim co.
Diky za radu....

Jadro je zkompilovane s temito volbami:

options IPDIVERT
options IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT # tuto volbu chci po vzreseni 
problemz odebrat a znova prekompilovat

Soubor rc.conf:
#Nastaveni site
ifconfig_xl0="inet netmask"
ifconfig_rl0="inet netmask"
defaultrouter="" # router providera
apache_enable="YES" # Apache posloucha na portu 80
#NTPDate - nastaveni casu
# volby pro NAT
natd_interface="xl0" # "vnejsi" adresa
natd_flags="-f /etc/natd.conf"

ipfw.rules: je stejny jako v prikladu v HANDBOOKU

################ Start of IPFW rules file ###############################
# Flush out the list before we begin.
ipfw -q -f flush

# Set rules command prefix
cmd="ipfw -q add"
skip="skipto 800"
pif="xl0"     # public interface name of NIC
              # facing the public Internet

# No restrictions on Inside LAN Interface for private network
# Change xl0 to your LAN NIC interface name
$cmd 005 allow all from any to any via rl0

# No restrictions on Loopback Interface
$cmd 010 allow all from any to any via lo0

# check if packet is inbound and nat address if it is
$cmd 014 divert natd ip from any to any in via $pif

# Allow the packet through if it has previous been added to the
# the "dynamic" rules table by a allow keep-state statement.
$cmd 015 check-state

# Interface facing Public Internet (Outbound Section)
# Interrogate session start requests originating from behind the
# firewall on the private network or from this gateway server
# destine for the public Internet.

# Allow out access to my ISP's Domain name server.
# x.x.x.x must be the IP address of your ISP's DNS
# Dup these lines if your ISP has more than one DNS server
# Get the IP addresses from /etc/resolv.conf file
$cmd 020 $skip tcp from any to 53 out via $pif setup keep-state

# Allow out access to my ISP's DHCP server for cable/DSL configurations.
#$cmd 030 $skip udp from any to x.x.x.x 67 out via $pif keep-state

# Allow out non-secure standard www function
$cmd 040 $skip tcp from any to any 80 out via $pif setup keep-state

# Allow out secure www function https over TLS SSL
$cmd 050 $skip tcp from any to any 443 out via $pif setup keep-state

# Allow out send & get email function
$cmd 060 $skip tcp from any to any 25 out via $pif setup keep-state
$cmd 061 $skip tcp from any to any 110 out via $pif setup keep-state

# Allow out FreeBSD (make install & CVSUP) functions
# Basically give user root "GOD" privileges.
$cmd 070 $skip tcp from me to any out via $pif setup keep-state uid root

# Allow out ping
$cmd 080 $skip icmp from any to any out via $pif keep-state

# Allow out Time
$cmd 090 $skip tcp from any to any 37 out via $pif setup keep-state

# Allow out nntp news (i.e. news groups)
$cmd 100 $skip tcp from any to any 119 out via $pif setup keep-state

# Allow out secure FTP, Telnet, and SCP
# This function is using SSH (secure shell)
$cmd 110 $skip tcp from any to any 22 out via $pif setup keep-state

# Allow out whois
$cmd 120 $skip tcp from any to any 43 out via $pif setup keep-state

# Allow ntp time server
$cmd 130 $skip udp from any to any 123 out via $pif keep-state

# Interface facing Public Internet (Inbound Section)
# Interrogate packets originating from the public Internet
# destine for this gateway server or the private network.

# Deny all inbound traffic from non-routable reserved address spaces
#$cmd 300 deny all from  to any in via $pif  #RFC 1918 
private IP
$cmd 301 deny all from   to any in via $pif  #RFC 1918 
private IP
$cmd 302 deny all from      to any in via $pif  #RFC 1918 
private IP
$cmd 303 deny all from     to any in via $pif  #loopback
$cmd 304 deny all from       to any in via $pif  #loopback
$cmd 305 deny all from  to any in via $pif  #DHCP auto-config
$cmd 306 deny all from    to any in via $pif  #reserved for 
$cmd 307 deny all from to any in via $pif  #Sun cluster
$cmd 308 deny all from     to any in via $pif  #Class D & E 

# Deny ident
$cmd 315 deny tcp from any to any 113 in via $pif

# Deny all Netbios service. 137=name, 138=datagram, 139=session
# Netbios is MS/Windows sharing services.
# Block MS/Windows hosts2 name server requests 81
$cmd 320 deny tcp from any to any 137 in via $pif
$cmd 321 deny tcp from any to any 138 in via $pif
$cmd 322 deny tcp from any to any 139 in via $pif
$cmd 323 deny tcp from any to any 81  in via $pif

# Deny any late arriving packets
$cmd 330 deny all from any to any frag in via $pif

# Deny ACK packets that did not match the dynamic rule table
$cmd 332 deny tcp from any to any established in via $pif

# Allow traffic in from ISP's DHCP server. This rule must contain
# the IP address of your ISP's DHCP server as it's the only
# authorized source to send this packet type.
# Only necessary for cable or DSL configurations.
# This rule is not needed for 'user ppp' type connection to
# the public Internet. This is the same IP address you captured
# and used in the outbound section.
#$cmd 360 allow udp from x.x.x.x to any 68 in via $pif keep-state

# Allow in standard www function because I have Apache server
$cmd 370 allow tcp from any to me 80 in via $pif setup limit src-addr 2
$cmd 375 allow tcp from any to me 443 in via $pif setup limit src-addr 2

# Allow in secure FTP, Telnet, and SCP from public Internet
$cmd 380 allow tcp from any to me 22 in via $pif setup limit src-addr 2

# Allow in non-secure Telnet session from public Internet
# labeled non-secure because ID & PW are passed over public
# Internet as clear text.
# Delete this sample group if you do not have telnet server enabled.
#$cmd 390 allow tcp from any to me 23 in via $pif setup limit src-addr 2

# Reject & Log all unauthorized incoming connections from the public 
$cmd 400 deny log all from any to any in via $pif

# Reject & Log all unauthorized out going connections to the public Internet
$cmd 450 deny log all from any to any out via $pif

# This is skipto location for outbound stateful rules
$cmd 800 divert natd ip from any to any out via $pif
$cmd 801 allow ip from any to any

# Everything else is denied by default
# deny and log all packets that fell through to see what they are
$cmd 999 deny log all from any to any
################ End of IPFW rules file ###############################

soubor natd.conf:
redirect_port tcp 8080


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