Zaciatocnicka otazka - Spustenie aplikacie pod Xwindow ako iny user

Roman Neuhauser neuhauser at
Tue May 31 12:52:13 CEST 2005

# sitar_vim at / 2005-05-31 12:31:33 +0200:
> Doma mam FreeBSD 5.3 ako desktop.
> Prihlasim sa do systemu ako user stano.
> Spustim si Xfce alebo KDE.
> nastartujem xterminal, alebo konsole a prihlasim sa ako root
> $ su -
> ako root chcem spustit nejaku x-ovu aplikaciu, napr.
> gvim /etc/fstab
> alebo nieco podobne.
> Neide to. Vyhlasi ze nemam spravne nstavenu Display
> premennu alebo take nieco.

    Tohle je s prominutim support request jak z nosu.

> Poradte mi prosim:
> - kde v handbooku to najdem (hladal som a nenasiel)

    Mozna to tam neni, protoze to s FreeBSD nema nic spolecneho.

> - kde v dokumentacii to najdem


     -l   Simulate a full login.  The environment is discarded except for
          HOME, SHELL, PATH, TERM, and USER.  HOME and SHELL are modified
          as above.  USER is set to the target login.  PATH is set to
          ``/bin:/usr/bin''.  TERM is imported from your current environ-
          ment.  Environment variables may be set or overridden from the
          login class capabilities database according to the class of the
          target login.  The invoked shell is the target login's, and su
          will change directory to the target login's home directory.
          Resource limits and session priority are modified to that for the
          target account's login class.

     -    (no letter) The same as -l.

> - ako mam formulovat otazku pre google, vivisimo alebo

    Do googlu jsem napsal "xfree su display" (bez uvozovek, a treti
    hit me dovedl na:

How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
Cause you weren't THERE.   

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