ftp-data do pravidla ipfw

Jan Pechanec jp at devnull.cz
Mon Dec 6 19:47:49 CET 2004

On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Cizek Milan wrote:

>jen takova moje nejasnost nebo mozna chyba v ipfw... povoluji jednotlive
>protokoly, pro lepsi prehled pouzivam slovni oznaceni z /etc/services.
>Jakmile ale pridam allow all from any ftp-data,ftp,... tak mi to na te radce
>zhavaruje (myslim ze vadi pomlcka). Neda se s tim neco provest? :)

	da, precist si man :)

 A backslash (`\') can be used to escape the dash (`-') character
 in a service name (from a shell, the backslash must be typed
 twice to avoid the shell itself interpreting it as an escape

       ipfw add count tcp from any ftp\\-data-ftp to any



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