
Robert Kania konference at gdi.cz
Wed Apr 7 08:44:37 CEST 2004

servisnonstop QUICK wrote:
> Dobry den,
> pouzivam postfix, imap, fetchmail, dorucovani funguje,
> akorat se mi pomoci fetchmailu dorucuji zpravy ktere jsou oznacene jako 
> prectene.(a jeste jen nekdy)
> Rekl bych ze v tom jede fetchmail, ale nevim jak to napravit.
> Jak by melo vypadat spusteni fetchmailu v daemon modu v rc.conf?

pouzivam nasledujici (interval 120 vterin):


case "$1" in
	echo -n "Starting fetchmail daemon"
	/usr/local/bin/fetchmail -d 120 -f /root/.fetchmailrc --syslog 2>&1 || 
	echo "$return"
	echo -n "Shutting down fetchmail daemon"
	/usr/local/bin/fetchmail --quit || return=$rc_failed	
	echo "$return"
	echo "Usage: `basename $0` {start|stop}" >&2

exit 0

Pouzivam pouze /root/.fetchmailrc (site-wide), ktery obsahuje neco jako:

poll imap.server.tld protocol imap, auth password
	user aaa with password xxx ssl, is aaa here fetchall
	user bbb with password xxx ssl, is bbb here fetchall
	user ccc with password xxx ssl, is ccc here keep
	user ddd with password xxx ssl, is ddd here keep

Pokud pro vas neni problem zpravy na druhem konci mazat doporucuji 
fetchall, ale funguje i keep - zpravy se 2x nestahuji.


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