packages pre zaciatocnikov

mato85 at mato85 at
Sun Feb 23 12:36:15 CET 2003

Ahoj, s FreeBSD sa hram este len 5 den, tak sa mi nesmejte,
mam nasledujuci problem :o) Pokusam sa nainstalovat packages
z CD. FreeBSD som instaloval release 5.0 a tieto baliky chcem
instalovat z release 4.7.
Napisem: pkg_add /cdrom/packages/www/squid-2.4_10.tgz

a dostanem takuto hlasku:

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: +CONTENTS: Not found in archive
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
pkg_add: tar extract of /cdrom/packages/All/squid-2.4_10.tgz failed!
pkg_add: unable to extract table of contents file from
'/cdrom/packages/All/squid-2.4_10.tgz' - not a package?

Neviete co s tym?


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