nonexistent.vbs :-)

Cejka Rudolf cejkar at
Mon Oct 14 11:44:47 CEST 2002

Ta informace v nonexistent.vbs je size zajimava, ale nas mailovy
system se snazi neponechavat nic nahode, takze misto dopisu s timto
dodatkem dostavam jen nasledujici dopis a puvodni obsah urcite nikdy
dohledavat nebudu. Neslo by aspon tu priponu *.vbs prejmenovat na
nejakou nevirovou? Diky.

Roman Neuhauser wrote (2002/10/14):
> WARNING: Tento dopis byl pozmenen programem sendmail/MIMEDefang.
> This e-mail has been altered by sendmail/MIMEDefang.
> Priloha pojmenovana 'nonexistent.vbs' byla odstranena, protoze mohla
> obsahovat virus. Pokud tuto prilohu skutecne potrebujete, kontaktujte
> odesilatele a domluvte s nim jiny zpusob zaslani (archiv ZIP, apod).
> An attachment named 'nonexistent.vbs' was removed from this email as it
> constituted a security hazard. If you require this attachment,
> please contact the sender and arrange an alternate means
> of receiving it (ZIP archive, etc).

Rudolf Cejka <cejkar at>
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology
Bozetechova 2, 612 66  Brno, Czech Republic

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