Problem s ssh2 -R

Rehor Petr p.rehor at
Tue Jan 9 10:43:09 CET 2001

Mam nasledujici problem:

potrebuji se pripojit ke vzdalenemu pocitaci a presmerovat lokalni
cvsserver na vzdaleny pocitac. Pouzivam prikaz:

	ssh -R 2401:localhost:2401

Pokud pouziju protokol SSH1 tak je vse v poradku. Pokud pouziju
protokol SSH2 tak je zadost o presmerovani portu ignorovana.

Presmerovani portu opacnym smerem (tedy parametr -L) pracuje s obema
protokoly tak jak ma (overoval jsem si to pomoci -v).

Vse se deje na FreeBSD 4.2 Release (a OpenSSH 2.2.0)


PS: Pouzivam tyto konfiguracnimi soubory:

Host *
  BatchMode no
  DSAAuthentication yes
  EscapeChar ~
  FallBackToRsh no
  ForwardAgent no
  ForwardX11 no
  CheckHostIP yes
  PasswordAuthentication yes
  Protocol 2,1
  RhostsAuthentication no
  RhostsRSAAuthentication no
  RSAAuthentication yes
  SkeyAuthentication no
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  UsePrivilegedPort no
  UseRsh no

ConnectionsPerPeriod 5/10
CheckMail no
DSAAuthentication yes
IgnoreRhosts yes
IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes
KeyRegenerationInterval 3600
MaxStartups 10:30:60
PasswordAuthentication yes
PermitEmptyPasswords no
PermitRootLogin no
PrintMotd yes
Protocol 2,1
RhostsAuthentication no
RhostsRSAAuthentication no
RSAAuthentication yes
ServerKeyBits 1024
SkeyAuthentication no
StrictModes yes
Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/sftp-server
SyslogFacility AUTH
UseLogin yes
X11Forwarding no

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